A little about me.

I grew up with music always in my life. From a very early age, I have memories of my mother listening to Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett on the radio in the kitchen, and my father listening to the Everly Brothers and Iron Butterfly while we washed the car together. I first sang in front of an audience when I was four years old in the basement of my church.

In sixth grade I was in a production of the Music Man.

And I’ve been performing ever since.

I went to the Crane School of Music at SUNY Potsdam College to pursue a career in music education, focusing on choral music and vocal jazz. It was there when I discovered opera and I fell in love with it. My voice teacher showed me that I had a lot of potential and urged me to consider pursuing it as a career. In my penultimate semester, I changed my degree from music education to performance. I went on to get a Masters in Music from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. A few years later, I found myself in the esteemed Lindemann Young Artist Development Program at the Metropolitan Opera, studying with operatic giants like the sopranos Mirella Freni and Renata Scotto, among other amazing artists.

Since graduating from the Met, I have performed all over the world. My career has taken me to the great operatic and symphonic stages of the US, Canada, France, Germany, England, Wales, Austria, Norway, The Netherlands, Russia, and Japan.

In 2015, I moved to Charleston from New York City with my wife, Leah Edwards. Two years ago, we founded Holy City Arts & Lyric Opera, or HALO, to engage with the Lowcountry community by presenting quality arts and artists in performances ranging from large-scale productions to intimate conversations.